Tuesday, April 4, 2023

when goals become habits

I've never really subscribed to the view that some people have that depression is something that is just a complete loss and that life is not worth living if you're severely depressed - that the only thing to be done is to recover, and then you can start living again. 

And now, after my experience in the last few years, I have an even more extreme view - that depression, anxiety and withdrawal are experiences that give you what nothing else can. 

I've made changes in the last 6 to 12 months that have deeply enriched my life, and they're changes that I have wanted and needed to make for many years and never would have made if I hadn't experienced the challenges I've been through. 

The most important thing to me is my relationship with God, and as the years went by, I really let that slip. I made some effort to fix it but could never seem to build any momentum and get into a good, healthy spiritual habit of spending time with God as a priority every day. But that's one of the things that has changed now. 

There are a lot of other things as well. The overall change has been from having the idea that it's good to have daily goals and it's good to do them, to thinking I have to do these things. I'm in hell and my daily goals are my way out. The only way for that change to come about was for me to be in that hell with no easy escape - no quick fixes. 

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