Wednesday, March 29, 2023


I want to systematize everything, even creative things. That's why it really suits me to have daily goals that I do every single day. I don't want to have anything that I do 3 times a week. I want to do everything, every day....but not everywhere and all at once. 

I find ways of eliminating thought. Like, for example, with books, I put a lot of thought into arranging them in the order I'm going to read them. That matters to me. I like the idea of not having to think about which book I'm going to read next. I just read the next one on the shelf. But actually I don't. 

I used to do the same thing with CDs back in the days when we used to listen to CDs. I'll arrange the CDs in the order I'm going to listen to them so I don't have to think about which CD I want to listen to next. But then, I always want to think about which CD I'm going to listen to next. Likewise with books. When I finish a book, I want to think about what I'm going to read next. Arranging my 'to be read' books in order has become an activity that is divorced from my actual process of choosing what to read next. 

It's like - once again, back in the days when we used to buy and listen to CDs (and they were ridiculously expensive)...when you're not going to buy anything, you see so many CDs you want, but then when you're actually going to buy a CD, you lose all enthusiasm. 

But I keep building these lists. I spend a lot of time adding to my lists on Netflix and Amazon Prime. I actually enjoy building the lists more than I enjoy watching shows.  

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