Wednesday, March 15, 2023


Creative power is about being able to bring together disparate elements by the power of your imagination. It's the creation of something new. 

There's something self-justifying about it. The artist doesn't create because they want to impart some message or meaning. They create because they want to. 

There's no such thing as running out of ideas because you don't need ideas. What creators do is create. I've always wondered why there is always new music. Like, what if it just stopped. What if after a certain date, there was just no more music...nothing one had any ideas. But that never happens. It seems like the opposite happens. There's always new music that is ground-breaking and that transcends genres and styles and feeds us in that way that great music always does. 

Same with news. I always wonder about news shows....every time the show airs, they have to fill the whole time - half an hour, an hour, whatever. I always wonder what they would do if there wasn't enough news. But that never happens, partly because, in today's world, there's always something going on, but more importantly, there's always news to present because news is a creation. News shows are something that is created. Creating news is what they do. 

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