Sunday, March 5, 2023

shared appreciation

I've been watching a lot of reaction videos to Hi Ren. For this song in particular, there's something really enjoyable about watching reactions - seeing how people respond the first time they listen and watch. I was thinking that this is the 21st century equivalent of what it was like in the early nineteenth century when people would get together to read and listen to poetry. 

The first time you listen to 'Hi Ren' you perceive something instantly recognizable but absolutely new, and the same could be said of the poetry of Wordsworth and the other great Romantic poets of the 19th century. 

There's something exquisite about that first time - a sense of awe - and you can never really get that again, but you can watch other people reacting to it, and often, the people reacting really know about music or singing or the music industry or psychology or film making, etc etc etc and they're able to articulate what is so impressive about the performance, which makes you appreciate it even more. It's also fun to watch seasoned professionals who are super-talented themselves, staring open-mouthed, completely mesmerized. 

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