Sunday, June 11, 2023


When you take a portion out of a larger image, that portion somehow becomes more vivid and concentrated. The same applies to language. If you take words out of their context - like say if you write a long passage and then take phrases or sentences or even words out of that passage - those phrases have a concentrated meaning. 

When you join words that don't really make sense together, that's a way of isolating and concentrating their meaning as described above, because the meaning is not deferred to the words around the particular word. Like say if I write, 'her signal said red mountain searching my ground'.....each of the words is freer and more concentrated because it's not tied to the other words in any normal way. It stands on its own. Like the word, 'red', really conveys the idea of redness. If you were to write 'the red fire-engine', some of the power of 'red' would be lost because the reader would be thinking about the fire engine, not the color red. 

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