Wednesday, June 14, 2023

through the wilderness

For a while it really seemed like something special was possible. And then everything went so wrong and it got to the point where it seemed like nothing was possible, and then there were only limited possibilities...nothing very exciting. 

Life is so weird. Setbacks and trials lead to good things. Nothing ever goes according to plan, but it seems like there is a greater plan. Things go exquisitely wrong and then things go spectacularly right. 

Dreams come true suddenly and often, but then nightmares come true as well. 

We don't really know the difference. When we get what we want, we think our dreams have come true, and it is exciting when opportunities arise and things go well, but when we fail and suffer, that's actually more meaningful and worthwhile than when we succeed and things go smoothly. 

It matters more. When you fail but you keep trying or when you face adversity or when you are misunderstood and despised or whenever you face any kind of trial, that's more valuable than when things go smoothly, because you grow in character through those times, and nothing is more precious than character. 

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