Friday, June 2, 2023

what you want

I wrote a post on Medium called, What is Critical Theory Really About?. I was pretty excited to write it, because it's an issue that I really care about. But it didn't get much attention. No one seemed very interested. 

I'm thinking that maybe I should have been more explicit about what I was trying to say. I'm trying to actually engage in the culture wars and argue against people like Neil Shenvi, Chris Rufo, James Lindsay, and anyone else who wants to say that Critical Theory is anti-Christian, anti-social, degenerate, and so on. 

Actually, making the post about critical theory was an afterthought. I wrote something, and then I thought - hey, this is about critical would be a good way of countering all the views that I've read and heard about critical theory, that I disagree with. But that probably didn't work. I didn't signal at all that that's what I was doing. 

The problem is that I'm really averse to writing some kind of direct challenge to these views. I don't like debating. I like having the freedom to roam intellectually and not having to restrict myself to covering what someone else has written or spoken, point by point. I'm exhausted by that even before I start. 

On a related note, I was watching a video by Ruslan - Target pulls ‘satanist’ Designer and THIS happens @ZubyMusic - and he and Zuby made the point that someone like Dylan Mulvaney is getting a lot more attention, because of conservative Christian criticism (hereafter designated as CCC), than positive content that represents conservative Christian values. 

It makes me think of the dictum, 'promote what you love rather than bashing what you hate'. It seems to me when I watch, for example,  Michael Knowles, Matt Walsh, Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro, that a lot of their content revolves around criticizing those they disagree with. Matt Walsh especially, I think. It seems like all he ever does is attack and criticize. And I think, what's the point of that? What difference does it make? It's not going to change the view of the people he's attacking. It's not really for them. It's for the people who are already critical of this other side. 

But then, all of those hosts I listed are very successful and popular so they must be giving people something they want. 

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