Saturday, June 3, 2023

where's the lie?

It's reassuring when something doesn't work at all, because then you know you're missing something and you'll be able to figure it out, but if you get it to work a bit and then it fails, that's a bad sign. 

Take driving for example. If the problem is that you haven't put the car in 'drive', when you turn on the ignition, there won't be any sound. Nothing will happen. That's really good....or at least it can be really could have a dead battery, which isn't good. But the point is that turning the ignition and nothing happening is a thousand times better than hearing the engine make that cranking sound and not actually starting. 

There's nothing wrong with the car. There's something wrong with you. 

So, I've learnt that, when something doesn't function as it's supposed to - like, when it just doesn't function at all - that's good. It tells me I'm doing something wrong. 

I think this is a good principle in other things as well. Sometimes it's a good idea to doubt your own perceptions and judgements. When we don't understand something or it seems contradictory, we're too quick to say it doesn't make sense. Maybe we just don't understand it. That's possible. 

Just because it doesn't make sense to you doesn't mean that it doesn't make sense. 

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