Tuesday, June 13, 2023

only one

I think writing online is always a trade-off between what you really want to write and what there's a demand for. Writing on Medium, I have to think more about the audience and providing some kind of value, whereas writing here I can write whatever I want. 

But yes, it's always a trade-off. On this blog I do think about writing what people will want to read, and on Medium I do write what I want to write. 

I've watched a lot of videos and read a lot of articles about how to make money online. You can really make money online, but for me it's a process. One thing I've gleaned from all the content I've engaged with is that doing stuff just to make money doesn't work. 

I don't necessarily want it to work anyway. Money and clout would be nice, but I don't want to get rich quick. I would much rather build something worthwhile. 

With Medium, I still don't make a lot of money, but it's exciting to me that I'm making any money. From the first month I joined the Medium Partner Program, I've earned money every month. That it's possible to do that is really something. And it's something I'm building. 

People, including me, look at what other people, who are making a lot of money, have done and are doing, and we think that we can make a lot of money by doing what they are doing. But I think that's an enterprise that is doomed to failure, because copying what someone else has done isn't providing any value. 

I can't do that anyway, even though I try. I can only do things in my own way. I watched a YouTube video about people who are making a lot of money by making short, information videos - like, top 10 tourist destinations, 10 most dangerous places, that kind of thing. So, I started making videos, and I've really become interested in it and made around 60 videos and counting. But unlike the accounts with the 10 places videos, that get hundreds of thousands of followers, millions of views, and make a lot of money, I haven't gone viral. 

I got a fair amount of views - like maybe 600 or 700. But I didn't gain any subscribers. But I've learnt a lot and I've enjoyed creating these videos. They are a creative expression and I'm developing in my creative process. 

Same with my art. I've made 693 pieces of digital art, and counting, most of that in the last year. I upload my designs to my Redbubble shop and post them to Instagram. A made a few sales when I first opened my shop, but nothing since. I've been getting a lot of favorites though (509) so I know people are seeing my work. 

It all goes together - all these different projects. I don't know how it's going to develop but it's worthwhile. It doesn't really matter if no one appreciates what I do. It's not going to stop me, because I'm invested in what I'm doing. And I think that, in some ways, that's the meaning of success. Working to order - giving people what you think they want - trying to produce a certain effect or bring about certain results, including the results of money and clout, is a mug's game. To hell with that. What I'm going to bring to the table is my own voice. 

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