Thursday, June 1, 2023

path | ology

I've always had this sense that depression is kind of a natural thing. By that I don't mean that it's not painful and distressing, but that there's a logical explanation for it. There is an understandable etiology, and from my point of view it's not about risk factors and genetics and life events or even about a chemical imbalance. They are all things that an external observer will comment on, but for me, there's a story. 

It's not like something went wrong. It's just as much about what worked too well than it is about what didn't work. I think that, for some reason, things that are very pure and good and fine can't fit in this world so they manifest as problems. 

They appear to be problems, but they are actually points of significance. Problems are a blessing and leisure is a curse. Crises are calls to a heroic journey. 

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