Friday, October 7, 2022

don't listen to the horror stories

This place is old and creaky, but I've grown to like living here. It's very low-tech apart from my computer that I use for work, my website and so on. I cook on an open fire and don't use much electricity in general. I grow a lot of my own food. 

The place is haunted, which kind of bothered me when I first found out. I'm used to it now though. I made friends with the ghosts. As with everything, we ought not to believe the horror stories. 

Ghosts are actually quite nice when you get to know them. It makes for a very low maintenance relationship. You don't have to cook them dinner, offer them drinks or give them a spare bed. They're very easy to talk to. There are none of the formalities we have to engage in when we talk to living people. 

The conversation just flows. It's a major misconception that ghosts are elusive and kind of all the 'knock once for yes' type stuff. Try just talking to them like a normal person. 

None of the horror stories actually come from ghosts. They aren't a reflection of the reality of ghosts. It's like with witches. The narratives related to witches were not produced by witches, or at least they didn't provide the main stimulus for the stories. It was  puritans who came up with the stories. Maybe there's some fragments of truth behind it all, but a lot of the narrative was developed through a process of intense hatred and fear manifesting the very object of that hatred and fear. 

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