Wednesday, October 12, 2022

new me

I'm still pretty traumatized by this process that I've been working through, but I seem to be emerging from it almost not of my own volition. Even as I was feeling unsettled and scared because I don't know if this crisis is over, and I'm having to resign myself to the reality of fighting for my life for the rest of my life, I heard something in a video which made me think about my old life and my life now - the old me and the new me. There's no comparison. 

I'm living a life of meaning. I'm living a healthy life and headed in a positive direction. Every day I spend time with God. So, although life seems scary at the moment, my life is actually suffused with hope. In my old life, my situation was perilous even though I was in my comfort zone. Now, I may feel like I've been put through the ringer, but I'm being born. 

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