Tuesday, December 19, 2023

it says here

Once you've broken your reliance on something, there's a completeness about your lack of need for that thing. I've had fleeting moments like that with valium in the last couple of years. 

I imagined that my need for it would stay the same and I would just get better at negating that need, but there have been moments when I just didn't need it at all. It served no purpose. 

That sense of not needing it is only going to grow, and there will be a point at which that sense will be permanent. All the hard work and fighting I have done against my need for valium is going to culminate in the end of that need. 

The balance of power has already shifted and my need for valium is struggling. It can't win. 

It's taken time. I've been tapering for two and a half years so far. It's taken a lot longer than the so-called experts say it should. They told me that withdrawal doesn't even begin until your last dose. They told me that the withdrawal symptoms peak after 4 days and after that things get steadily better. They told me a lot of other things that are not true. 

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