Sunday, December 10, 2023

the reason

One of the biggest challenges of tapering off benzos for me is not being able to sleep at night and then experiencing extreme fatigue during the day, and both of those things feed each other and fuel my anxiety and depression. 

It seems unnatural, like it shouldn't be like this. After all this time, it's still affecting me like this. 

I think the problems of insomnia and fatigue are just a way that the problem can manifest and if they weren't the problem, it would be something else. 

I can and do frame the problem in different ways. I can think of it as my need to move from rumination and withdrawal to engagement and activity. It doesn't seem like that's the problem to me. Like, for example, when I can't sleep at night, that hardly seems like the same issue, but, on another level, I know that it is. 

I know that that change is the whole reason for all the challenges I go through. 

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