Thursday, November 24, 2022


My fears are saying to me, what if I have to face this or that situation? How will I cope? And how am I going to handle the situations I know I'm going to have to face? 

But then there is hope. Sometimes in the past it was as if my mind was unable to hold anything good - anything comforting or hopeful. That's one of the problems that depression, rumination and anxiety bring. One's mind is so amenable to fear and sadness. We've made a nice cozy home for those things. But hope, fulfilment, joy....there's nowhere for them to even stay. We can't hold such things. Hopelessness and despair own the place. 

Just like illness feels bad but it's actually your body's way of healing, when God is renovating your mind so that it can hold hope and joy and love and peace, it doesn't feel good. But hope tells you something good is happening. 

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