Sunday, October 22, 2023

join me for a migraine

I'm having a migraine today, and I deliberately made art while I was still going through the 'aura' and couldn't see properly. What happens is that there's a kind of moving, jagged line - imagine a bolt of electricity - that obscures my sight. It starts small. There's just a small but noticeable spot where my vision is disturbed, and then it expands. It peaks after maybe 10 or 15 minutes and steadily improves after that. 

It's pretty cool what is actually happening in my body and brain when this takes place. The visual disturbance is caused because some kind of irritation or allergic type reaction causes my blood vessels to constrict. So then my brain will release a chemical that dilates my blood vessels and fixes the problem, and it's that chemical that causes the actual migraine headache.

I'm lucky....the headache I get isn't that bad. It's noticeable, especially if I bend over or move suddenly, but it's not the kind head-splitting pain that I hear other people suffer. There's also a slightly nauseous feeling that goes with it, but again, it's not that severe. 

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