Tuesday, October 31, 2023

short books

I'm very curious about the book Fight Club because I loved the movie and I'm interested in how a writer would convey what the film conveys, in a book. 

That interest has never been keen enough to get me to actually read the book though. I think it's because it's a fairly short book. I'm prejudiced against short books. I feel like a great novel can't be done in less than 300 pages.

Then again, some of my absolute favorite books are short - Frankenstein, Wuthering Heights, The Anxiety of Influence. They are special though. 

I remember hearing Harold Bloom talk about The Anxiety of Influence and saying that, on rereading it, even he was not sure what he meant in some parts. It was pretty early in his career when he published it and he ran it by a colleague first and that colleague advised him not to publish it because it's not really literary criticism as we know it. 

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