Sunday, October 15, 2023

my arrogance

I was told I was arrogant because I said that I had no interest in any of the books in the Christian bookshop. But what I mean is, every single one of those books is just someone's insights about the Bible, and the best thing any of us can ever do is get our own insights. In fact, if you're mainly getting your inspiration and insights from books other than the Bible, you're missing out. 

Maybe I am arrogant, but Christian bookshops that once seemed like sources of inspiration, hope and meaning, lost their shine once I learnt to draw my own insights from the Bible. 

I can see why he called me arrogant. He thought I was saying that my insights were as wise and luminous as the great Christian authors. But what I was getting at is that, for each of us, the Bible contains vast reservoirs of wisdom, and God is able to speak to us personally through the Bible. Why would you go to another book that describes gold and how you can maybe find gold, rather than getting actual gold from the Bible?

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