Thursday, October 5, 2023

the love you leave

Something I hear from time to time when people are talking about benzo withdrawal or depression is that they are a waste of life - like, there's nothing good about that's just a complete loss. I disagree with that. 

At this point, I don't know any more, how much of what I'm going through is from benzo withdrawal and how much is because of depression, anxiety and whatever else is amiss with me. It's scary that there can be something this severe that is hardly even recognized, and it goes on and on indefinitely. There's no treatment for this. You have to really figure things out, and be committed and self-motivated. You have to be a hero, in a way, but nobody recognizes you as a hero. 

That's what I mean about how it's not a complete loss and waste of life. It's an education. 

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