Wednesday, October 25, 2023

the everyday

Last year there were a lot of firsts. I don't think very much of my achievements because I don't think anyone else does. Big deal if I started achieving my main daily goals every single day instead of 'trying to'. They're just ordinary goals that anyone could do. 

But it is a big deal. 

Some other firsts and changes:

  • I'm making money from writing
  • I'm making money from my art
  • I'm on top of my responsibilities
  • I exercise every day
  • I have a quiet time every day 
  • I cook and I eat healthily
  • I read every day 
  • I make art every day
I have a whole lot of other daily goals that I don't yet do every day, and things I want to work on. 

But yeah - it's something. It's not nothing. 

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