Wednesday, November 15, 2023


I get disturbed by the weirdest things...very subtle things, related to perception. 

Like, for example, there was an episode of Buffy, one of my favorite TV shows ever, and in this episode, there is some kind of cursed or magic object, and it causes Xander to split into two people - there are two Xanders, one embodying all his good qualities, and one all the bad. 

There was something about the sudden split - one moment there was Xander and then the next there were 2 Xanders - that disturbed me. I kept thinking that there was something wrong with my perception - that I couldn't see the character properly. 

Normally, when you're watching TV, you're not thinking of how you perceive it; your mind is occupied with the story and you're engrossed in it....suddenly, with this weird doubling effect, I became aware of how I perceived what I was watching, and I felt like something was wrong. 

That feeling of unease takes on a life of its own. Anxiety is triggered and then the problem is anxiety. 

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