Sunday, November 19, 2023

no quick fix

Withdrawal from benzodiazepines - like, ativan, xanax, valium, temazepam, klonopin, etc - is different from other drugs, including alcohol. My main experience is with alcohol, but I've heard that this is the case with hard drugs as well....that withdrawal can be really bad for a while, but once you're through that initial bad period, symptoms peak and then things get steadily better. Benzos aren't like that. The withdrawal symptoms get worse as time goes by and they stay bad indefinitely. 

My experience with valium has been like this....If you think of anxiety as a monster or adversary, valium is a huge help at first, but then, if you stay on it for an extended period and then try to come off it, you now have to fight a bigger, stronger monster and you have to do it without the help of valium. You have to actually learn how to overcome anxiety and depression. 

Tapering off valium has forced that fight on me, which is actually good, but from my experience with valium and alcohol, I now know that there are answers and they aren't it. Things like diet, exercise, getting into good habits, therapy, doing meaningful activities, interacting with people, being creative, learning, pushing yourself, making goals and doing them....all of those things are the answer ultimately. Change your life. You can do it. 

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