Saturday, November 18, 2023

stop trying

I've been learning how to use affinity designer. It's fun. I only learn a bit each day. I have lots of YouTube video series that I'm working through and each day, I pick up where I left off the previous day, and I just watch long enough to learn one thing, that's it - a few minutes at most.

At some stage I will be as familiar with affinity designer as I am with some other art software and creating designs will be an exercise in creativity. 

It's interesting how acquiring skills works with art. To really get going, I had to abandon the idea of being good at art or doing art like other people do. In other words, I had to stop trying to develop skills and start being creative. But then, once I started being creative, I developed skills. I didn't get 'better' but I learned how to do some interesting things. 

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